martes, 7 de mayo de 2024


Alumnos de 3º y 4º de la ESO realizaron un curso de inmersión en Broadstairs (Reino Unido) del 28 de abril  al 4 de mayo.

Broadstairs es una de las localidades costeras más importantes del condado de Kent, pues se ha convertido en uno de los destinos turísticos preferidos en el sur de Inglaterra, ganándose el sobrenombre de “El jardín de Inglaterra”.

Los alumnos tenían tres horas diarias de clase, con grupos multinacionales y un certificado al finalizar el curso acreditado por British Council. Las clases estaban orientadas a fomentar las habilidades de expresión y comprensión oral a distintos niveles, siguiendo una metodología dinámica y divertida.

Por la tarde y por la noche, participaban en actividades de ocio y a su vez educativas, de esta forma los alumnos seguían practicando inglés mientras disfrutaban del deporte, bailaban o hacían obras de teatro divertidas y originales compartiendo estas actividades con compañeros de otras nacionalidades.

Además, tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer las ciudades emblemáticas de Canterbury y Londres.

La experiencia fue muy enriquecedora, ya que fue una oportunidad para conocer otra cultura, otra forma de vivir y lo más importante mejoraron su nivel de inglés.

Invitamos al resto del alumnado del centro a participar en dicha actividad para el próximo curso, puesto que el beneficio obtenido ha sido muy positivo, tanto a nivel humano como educativo.

From the end of April to the beginning of May, teachers Ana Estepa and Mayte Panadero took our students of 3rd and 4th of ESO to our favourite destination of England " Broadstairs". There our students stayed with native families and attended lessons at the Kent School of English. They also have real fun activities such as drama, karaoke night, barn dancing, and disco. The programme also included visits to Greenwich, Ramsgate, Canterbury ,  London and Rochester. They had an unforgettable experience as you can see from the photos below.





viernes, 22 de marzo de 2024

                          E SCAPE ROOM 2ND TERM 

At the end of March, the departmens of Spanish Language, Geography, Physical Education, Biology and English collaborated to create a Escape room for students of ESO. 

Our students of ESO were selected to do a very important and difficult mission.The last Double Decker red bus of London has disappeared. Their mission was to save this symbol of the British Culture!  

The Rosetta Stone, Shakespeare, secret codes, padlocks,jumps,races, test tubes, hidden messages.... That's is what we faced last week to overcome the challenges of the different Escape Rooms that had been prepared within the bilingual programme that encompasses several subjects. Do you want more for the next year? Stay tuned.

These are the winners of our escape room


lunes, 26 de febrero de 2024


We have started a  Pen Pals project with students of 2nd and 1st of ESO with other schools from Sweden, Poland and Turkey. With this project we try to encourage children to write letters instead of using instant messengers and email. Sending instant messages and email has become so easy with todays modern technology that sending a letter could be seen as a novelty, fun experience. I wanted to play on the fun element of waiting for a letter to arrive and sending messages by post. The Pen Pal project is an easy way for children to construct fun letters and send them overseas.




martes, 13 de febrero de 2024

There are many ways to say " I love you" to the  members of our family, friends ,pets  or mates . Our students wrote their best sentences with all their love.

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2024

martes, 9 de enero de 2024

 Christmas  activities 21st of January 2023

This school year  we have organized different activities to celebrate Christmas.

1st and 2nd of ESO

Here we have some examples of our students' creations :

3th and 4th of ESO " Christmas  Cake Contest "
Our students participated in a cake contest . They had to cook a Christmas cake with a recipe written in English and video where they describe how they elaborated it.

Here we have the winners